Shedding The Old

"Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts" - Craig Groeschel

In January we talked about who we were, what we wanted, and where we were going in 2019. February laid a foundation for how that can and will affect our relationship with our self and others. Furthering our progress towards our goals or actually keeping us from accomplishing our desired outcome.

Many people use relationships as a temporary means of accomplishment. Some use it as a means of motivation. We just want to assist your awareness about what is really happening. Don't be fooled by temporary satisfaction. We will face many distractions on our journey to create our desired life.

So on that note let's jump right into this month. The month of March is often times associated with Spring. New beginnings. A fresh start. Depending on factors I cannot understand. Sometimes our ground is ripe in the month of March and sometimes it's not until April the ground is ready for planting. And more of a time for preparation.

As humans, we often forget we are part of this world. This earth that undergoes seasons. A time to work and time to rest.

Growing up around cotton farms I observed seasons of planting and harvesting. I also observed times of clearing and plowing.

Can you imagine a field that was never cleared and plowed for the next season? Planting this year's crop on top of last year's ground? With all of it's old and dead plant material. And yet we humans often do that in our lives. Setting new intentions on top of old beliefs.

January - March for me is still winter time. A time to reflect. Pull up old roots. And definitely a time of clearing. Not a time to set new intentions, let alone a time to plant new ideas and beliefs. The reason I believe numbers drop in fitness gyms. January is a time to reassess your beliefs and where they took you the year before. January is not the time to go after those new resolutions. And a moment to plow up the old. Looking at our minds as a field that needs proper care and attention.

We have consumed so much throughout the year. Allowing emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual seeds to be planted. And sometimes to take root. Without proper care & attention, we could be taking old debris into a new field. Ineffective seeds into new ground.

You get the picture. March is a time to sit still. Go within as they say. A time to review our mindset. Adjust our thoughts. Plant a new belief. De-clutter our lives. A sort of plowing.

What are ways to turn over the upper layers of "soil" in your life? To bring fresh nutrients to the surface? To bury the old; allowing it to breakdown.

Is it ending certain relationships? Leaving behind a belief? Letting go of opportunities? Dropping bad habits? Consuming new information? A change of routine? Better conversations?

Spend this week plowing the field of your mind. Ask others you trust to help. Be serious about this process. The three weeks following will depend on how well you participate in this week's interaction.

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